Please, do not attach walking poles to your bags. They can cause damage to other bags when in transit and injury to our staff.
Items that are tied on to the outside of luggage may come off during transit and we have no way of knowing who these items belong to. If you can, please have all items inside of your bag.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to accommodate wild campers. You MUST have reservations with accommodations/campsites along the West Highland Way. There are a couple of places along the way that take bags for non residents, allowing you to camp in the wild and hand your bags back in the next morning for collection. These are Bride Of Orchy Hotel and Inveroran Hotel.
We ask that you have some kind of identification on your bags. We will attach our own tracking tags upon first collection.
You can collect your bags from the Nevis Centre situated next to the rail and bus stations. Please select the Nevis Centre as your last accommodation if you are travelling onwards from Fort William.
Our luggage van sits at the Milngavie Train station between 8.00am and 9.30am every morning throughout the season. Here, you can hand over your bags and set off on your walk.
Yes. Please make sure that your luggage weighs 20kg or less. All suspected overweight bags will be weighed and charged accordingly.
We ask that you have your bags ready for collection by 9am each morning. After placing your bags back to reception or luggage area, you are free to head off on your walk. If you are staying at Inversnaid, we ask that you have your bags ready for collection by 8am.
You can use any type of bag whether it be a suitcase, rucksack or holdall. Please make sure the weight is 20kg or less.